Tag Archives: thrift store chair

Coastal Eclectic Bedroom Chair

4 Oct

It’s so hard to leave the beach. If you follow me on Instagram then you know we just spent a week at the beach doing absolutely nothing. And it was awesome. This was my view pretty much everyday. 

Miramar Beach


It’s kinda hard to get back into the groove of reality but at the same time it’s really good to be home. Anyway, we did a little thrifting while we were there. I love thrift shops in beach towns, they always have the best stuff. While I didn’t bring anything home with me I did remember that I never really shared the makeover of the chair I bought last year at the beach.

 Yep, LAST year. And it was only 20 bucks.I bought it not knowing exactly where I wanted to use it but I knew at some point it would be perfect somewhere. How’s that for vague? This is what it looked like when I bought it. 

wicker chair before

It was a little dirty and a lot blah. It was in great shape though and it’s really comfy.Once I gave our bedroom a little makeover I knew  exactly what to do with the chair.I started by spray painting it white but I knew it needed something else. So I broke out my favorite Purdy brand paint brush to paint the wicker.

martha stewart gold paint

I painted it with this  Martha Stewart Specialty paint in Vintage Gold. This is absolutely one of my favorite gold paints. It has the best shimmery gold finish. 

greek key fabric

Then I recovered the cushion in this greek key fabric. I found it on the remnant table at Hancock Fabrics. I geeked out a little bit right there in the store when I found it. It’s pretty rare to find something this fab so cheap. They sell remnants for around $5.00-$6.00 per yard.  I got about four yards so you’ll be seeing this fabric again.

Then I went back and forth with these two pillows.

I decided I like the grey one best. I love the mix of the patterns in the neutral tones and I especially love it against the shimmery metallic paint.

Wicker Bamboo CHair

Wicker Chair painted Gold and White

Wicker chair with greek key fabric

Wicker gold greek key ikat

wicker bamboo chair

So it only took a year but it did finally get a makeover. Sometimes that’s how long it takes to get something right. It took me the longest to decide what to call this chair but I think it’s kinda coastal and kinda eclectic. So there ya go. You may have noticed I started painting the bedroom. No more Bittersweet Chocolate!  I can’t wait to get it finished so I can show you how much better it looks. And cross it off my list….

This is where you will find me linking up this week. Liz Marie Blog / The Shabby Nest / Suburbs Mama / Rain on a Tin Roof / The Blissful Bee / The DIY Dreamer


Wing Back Update!

8 Nov

Look who got a makeover!

If you remember, I found this chair at a thrift store for $14.99. I knew I wanted to have it covered in a geometric pattern I just couldn’t decide what color I wanted to use.  I couldn’t decide between a more neutral grey or a fun coral. Well I have since painted the inside of the front door coral and that seemed to give me the color fix I needed so I decided to go with a neutral. I found this black and white fabric on Amazon.com and it was only around $6.00 per yard!

I knew that black would be just as neutral as grey and would actually be a little bolder in the room, which is what I really wanted without having to commit to a specific color. Oh, and I had an amazon gift card!  So I ordered the fabric and got the chair to an upholsterer.

Here’s the chair before.

I’m so happy with how it turned out and how our little living room is coming along. While I’m on the subject, here are a couple of living room before shots. Like way before.

And now…

I love the element the chair brings to the room with the mixture of the modern fabric and the traditional wing back style. The best part? It’s really comfy!

Be back soon.